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Corumat, Inc.

Decarbonizing the ​plastic and waste ​industries

Starting with foodservice items

Let’s talk:

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Illustration of Styrofoam Packaging
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Stack of Used Plates
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Problems that we are working to fix by:

1. Making superior products with disruptive technology

2. Showing waste companies and plastic companies they can work together to make money and decarbonize industries


Climate change

Plastic production will grow to 20% of the world’s CO2 emissions unless we change! Plastic producers can pivot to producing our raw materials and help change the world, quickly.

cancer cell cartoon character

Toxic chemicals in packaging

Plastic often leaches toxic chemicals into foods. Our plant-based material have no known carcinogens

Plastic Waste at Sea

Ocean plastics

Our materials don’t ​produce ​microplastics, and are ​valuable enough it ​likely makes sense to ​recover them and ​keep plastic from ​gettin​g into the ocean

Landfill Illustration

Landfill problems

Landfills are getting full, food waste decomposing creates local water pollution and generates methane, driving >3% of climate change

How it Works - Big Green Loop® ​Foodservice Items

Historically, bioplastics have been too expensive and poor performing to change the plastics market. Corumat has a patented technology that allows us to replace solid plastic with 1/2 to 1/3 the plant-based compostable bioplastic (saving on material cost), and also improve the performance of bioplastics. Our technology enables foodservice items and packaging (and almost anything else) that compete on price and performance with conventional plastic products. Video showing our (white) products are tough and use less material:

Bioplastics cost more than conventional plastics, and can be broken down into the raw materials for more bioplastics even when contaminated with food. Our suppliers can purchase soiled bioplastic at a price that could make it profitable to sort all the world’s waste and divert organic materials from landfills. We have partners that have made our raw materials from food waste - our goal is to have most of the world’s food waste and packaging recycled together. We are not in the waste or raw material business, but our products can drive change in these industries.

Patented structure

allows plants to

beat plastics!

How it Works - The System

Big Green Loop® packaging can drive the ​creation of The Big Green Loop® (BGL).

  1. Consumers use Big Green Loop® foodservice ​items and packaging
  2. Existing sorting technologies divide food ​waste and BGL packaging from conventional ​recyclable materials. Leftovers can be used ​for bioenergy or recycling.
  3. Food waste AND BGL packaging can BOTH ​be broken down into the raw materials for ​more bioplastic packaging
  4. Bioplastic pellet factories make safe ​bioplastic pellets to be made back into more ​packaging

Funding Agencies and Collaborators




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Our technology provides the fastest path to decarbonize the plastic and waste industries

Plastic producing companies can pivot to producing our raw materials quickly. Our plan is not a threat to their existence so they don’t need to fight it.

We have a demonstration center where we can iterate quickly on packaging designs, and then we’ll partner around the world to scale quickly and create alignment around our solution.

Our raw materials are profitable to recover from waste streams. We have demonstrated this around the world in parts, and are developing a regional strategy to scale our vision.

The packaging we produce competes toe-to-toe on price and performance with conventional packaging and foodservice items.

Please email us at if you are interested in learning more.